فيما يلى اختبار مكون من بضعة اسئلة.....رجاء ارسال الاجابات...و رجاء من أرسلت له الاسئلة على الايميل أن يهتموا و يرسلوا لى الردود

الاختبار الأول
اجب عن الأسئلة التالية
السؤال الأول(اجبارى)...أجب عن السؤال التالى
ما هى الطبيعة؟.....و السؤال عام....المطلوب: كتابة تعريف و كل ما تعرفه عن الطبيعة
السؤال الثانى(اجبارى)...أجب عن السؤال التالى
أكمل: الصدفة هى...........................المطلوب كتابة تعريف للصدفة
السؤال الثالث(اجبارى)......أجب عن السؤال التالى
اكتب مقال قصير عن......الضرورة....و المقصود بالضرورة هنا ما يسمى بلغة علماء البيولوجى..survival of the fitest

مع خالص تمنياتى بالنجاح و التوفيق
انتهت الأسئلة
Answer paper:
Name: The Light of Truth
Religion: Islam
ID: 677
Time allowed: 1 Hour
1- Nature:-
Definition: It is one of Allah creatures that seems very great including: earth, seas, animals, woods, atoms, galaxies every thing rather than human.
2- Chance:-
Definition: Nothing
Explanation: Every thing is written and saved, it is called Destiny which can be repelled by Do3aa' Allah, and every thing or every event falls on Earth is under the control of its Creator Allah.
3- Survival for the fittest:-
Definition: according to Wikipedia: Survival of the fittest is a phrase which is shorthand for a concept relating to competition for survival or predominance. Originally applied by Herbert Spencer in his Principles of Biology of 1864, Spencer drew parallels to his ideas of economics with Charles Darwin's theories of evolution by what Darwin termed natural selection.
Definition: according to the light of truth: This phrase is only mentioned by those who believe in evolution, and since that the source is wrong, therefore the result is fault,
And the proof for my definition is that question: Where is Allah in this statement? Where is Justice and Mercy??!!!
رب اشرح لى صدرى ويسر لى أمرى واحلل عقدة من لسانى يفقهوا قولى
7/10 to the light of truth
do u know y??.....because you cheated......from wikipedia.....so.... (-3) to u....grade B+
thanks...till now u come in the first place....simply because you are the only 1 who sent the answers....student ben kerishan sent an answer but he got F.....simply because he didnt answer any question...and i'll publish the answers soon
thank you
موضوع جديد أتحدث عنه علي صفحتي أتمني منك المشاركة فيه وهو يدور حول الإجابة علي هذا السؤال بماذا تفسر وجود الأديان والعقائد في تاريخ البشر؟؟؟
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