Monday, February 26, 2007

توضيح لمن لم يفهمنى

Anonymous said...
ummm dude, look, if you show bunch of atheists pictures asking them if they are god's creation or not, for sure they will say its a random mutation natural selection thing.... so just posting images like that, wont make them say, wow it looks wonderful(then comes this part that you want) god is so amazing, atheist or agnostic don’t believe in god, they would even use the term mother nature... so its a useless argument you have just shown us... but good images though, I love nature :D

The funny guy

كنت هذه رسالة من قارئ....ووجدت أننى يجب أن أوضح طريقة تفكيرى فى البوستات السابقة...فأنا أخاطب عقولكم أيها السادة....القصة الأولى كانت خطوة أولى لوضع مقارنة بين ما يقوله الملحدون و ما يتقبله العقل.....أما ما كتبت فى بوست (رأيت الله) فهو خطاب للقلب أكثر منه للعقل...و هو إلى حد ما موجه للمسلمين.....أو هو ما شعرت به فكتبته.....أما عن الصور...فيقول لى ذا فاننى جاى....أو الشاب الظريف... أننى أريد أن يقول الناس.....يااااااه ياللجمال....ثم يأتى ما أريده و هو سبحان الله.....أنا لا أريد هذا...أنا أخاطب العقل بهذه الصور....و هل من المقنع أن تكون الطبيعة الأم هى من فعل هذا.....و هناك سؤال يطرح نفسه.....هل الطبيعة تفكر؟؟...هل تدبر و تدير الأمور؟؟...هل ترزق الطبيعة كل المخلوقات؟؟....ما تعربف الطبيعة أساسا؟؟.......اننى قد طرحت رسالتى.....و سيعيها فقط....أصحاب العقول


Anonymous said...

I guess you didn’t get me, I did mention random selection, and random means lacking any definite plan or order or purpose; governed by or depending on chance

Easy right? and the term mother nature, is just something I used to tell you that atheists wont believe in god, they would even use the term I repeat use the term mother nature, I don’t believe there is mother nature! And I certainly won’t believe there is god!
And is nature smart? Is it bla bla bla? Listen, that’s why I used the word random, random = stupidity, unplanned, as stated in the definition above, so random nature selection, doesn’t mean there is nature sitting on a chair selecting things? Dude, whats up! It means the people who remind monkeys or donkeys died or remained, and humans emerged out of it (and I mean it as the process of natural selection, the random one :D) read about the London’s peppered moths here is a link:

Hope now everything is easier for you to get.

The funny guy

Anonymous said...

oh, i forgot to mention, i didnt read all of your posts, like i said i like nature, so thats were i looked, wasn't interested in looking at the rest of your blog, seemed very traditional, and i meant by traditional, by a typical traditional muslim thinking, that has survived so far for the lack of the mental capacity of others to look beyond which is given to us, by the ugly hairy men.

The funny guy