كانت هذه بعض صور من الطبيعة و الكون.....وضعتها بطريقة عشوائية......ركز فيها.....و السؤال الان
هل خلقت هذه صدفه؟؟......هل صنعت من الطبيعة؟؟
هل لم يكن لها صانع؟؟
هل الله ليس موجود ليحافظ عليها؟؟
هل هذا كله من سبيل المصادفة؟؟
ummm dude, look, if you show bunch of atheists pictures asking them if they are god's creation or not, for sure they will say its a random mutation natural selection thing.... so just posting images like that, wont make them say, wow it looks wonderful(then comes this part that you want) god is so amazing, atheist or agnostic don’t believe in god, they would even use the term mother nature... so its a useless argument you have just shown us... but good images though, I love nature :D
Wonderful great pictures, you really made me feel with the great regularity in irregularity, and lightness in darkness, how great is Allah, nothing to say or comment on these pictures but only:
ummm dude, look, if you show bunch of atheists pictures asking them if they are god's creation or not, for sure they will say its a random mutation natural selection thing.... so just posting images like that, wont make them say, wow it looks wonderful(then comes this part that you want) god is so amazing, atheist or agnostic don’t believe in god, they would even use the term mother nature... so its a useless argument you have just shown us... but good images though, I love nature :D
The funny guy
so your poin is, there ain't no creature if there ain't no creator?
and that everything must be made by some sort of an engineer?
poin = point
Wonderful great pictures, you really made me feel with the great regularity in irregularity, and lightness in darkness, how great is Allah, nothing to say or comment on these pictures but only:
"سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم"
Your friend:-
The Light of Truth.
سبخان اللهة التي خلقت كل شئ وقد تطلب منها ذلك جهدا كبير سبعة ايام مما تعدون.
ferme ta gueule mon pote tu sais rien.
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